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Nominate - Member's list

When all your events have been set, it's time to assign your members to the night's events.

Nominate SnipIt B.

Member's List in detail.

The nominee list displays first name, last name and age in years (as of the current session date). Last name is always shown in upper case.

Only members who are active and swim appear in this list.


To navigate the list ...

👉 When the member's list has focus, use up-arrow, down-arrow, page-up, page-down keys.

👉 or LMOUSE click to select a member.

As you browse members in the list, the status text and checkbox states, in the events list, are actively updated to reflect the current selection.

This list will be empty if you don't have any members in your database.

Nominate a Member.

To nominate a member to an event, first select the member in the members list.

Then select an event in the event list and press space or LMOUSE click the checkbox to toggle nomination.

Nominate pop-up menu.

Hover over the grid then RMouse click to access the context sensitive pop-up menu.

Search Box.

Above the members list is an editbox that you can use to perform a quick search for a member's name. The search box uses wild cards, which means you only need a portion or snip-it of the name.

For example typing jo results in members containing the sub-string jo being displayed.

GRIMSEY, Kyra Joyce (12)
HAYMAN, John (9)

The search box is case in-sensitive. To restore all active members to the list, clear the search box and filter button.

Nomination Buttons

Button - Sort on Name.

When you click the Sort toggle button the list is arrange either by first or last name. SCM will retain it's place in the list after a the sort.


Button - Qualify.

This is a toggle button. If the Qualified button is enabled and the member has swum the qualify distance within the qualify time - then the letter Q appears prefixed to the event.

If an event doesn't have any qualification data then the prefix isn't shown.

To learn more about how qualification works and how to set it up, follow this link.

Button - Reports.

When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Display a nominees report. Clicking this button displays version 1 of the nominee's report.

CNTRL-LMOUSE click to display version 2. In either view, you have the option to print it.

Nomination Reports - Examples

To view some examples of nomination reports, follow this link.