SCM Hero Icon

Header Bar

1. Menu Bar.

File, Session, Events, Nominate, Tools, Help. The menu bar has additional tools and commands. Check them out!

2. Club name and nickname.

The name of the swimming organization/association and it's nickname. Future versions of SCM will include the club's logo.

3. Optional - SQLEXPRESS record identification information.

For those who wish to track a record through the Microsoft's SQLEXPRESS SwimClubMeet database then these record ID's can be displayed. This is enabled in ...

Tools → Options Other ... Then check 🗹 Show debug information.

If you are a power-user and understand the T-SQL language and want to 'drill-into' the SwimClubMeet database, then this may assist you in writing and debugging your queries.

Here's a link to more detail - if you are the curious type ... Show Debug Information

4. Member's dialogue.

This button gives access to the member's dialogue. Here you can create a new members, enter data for each member, track a member's attendance, visualize a member's performance and more. For more information follow this link ... Members

5. Refresh.

An important button if you are using the support apps (Marshal, Nominate, Timekeeper, etc). As these external apps can change data within you Microsoft's SQLEXPRESS SwimClubMeet database, this refresh button re-syncs the core app.

The core application does auto-resync at set points in the code. For example : When you move between tabsheets it will requery tables pertaining to the tab-sheet you selected. The refresh button is a more inclusive, an all encompassing re-sync.

Here are some examples when a refresh might be in order:
👉 If the Marshal disqualifies swimmers, then after a re-fresh you'll see the heat display check marks in the disqualified box.
👉 If the Timekeeper enters swimmers race times, then after a re-fresh, those times will appears in each entrant's lane.


If you are running in paperless mode, that is, your are using the support applications SCM_Marshal and SCM_Timekeeper , it's good to instigate some pool procedure.

A heat is considered raced when the Referee blows the whistle. The Chief Marshal or Referee can set the heat status to raced by using the SCM_Marshal application..

A heat is considered closed when all the race time data has been entered into the database.

Race-times can be entered by the Chief Timekeeper at the poolside by using the SCM_Timekeeper application. They can't close the heat, only the core application can do that.

After the Referee flags the heat is over the Chief Recorder does an Q&A and then closes the heat.