
What is SwimCubMeet?

It's an application to manage your swimming club members and organize it's club nights.

Get events set, nominate swimmers, auto-build heats, record race times, organize marshals and time keepers.

It does one job, has a clean, simple interface. That's why it easy to use. Perfect for parents and friends who aren't IT experts.

To get started all you need is a laptop and printer.
TabSheet 3
Just three tabs. It's that simple.
SwimClubMeet is scalable.

With the addition of a Wi-Fi router and PCs or touch-pads you can have multi-points from which to nominate.

ScaleUp Connections
Want to go paperless, use the Marshal and Timekeeper apps.
Marshal support application.
Rally members, scratch and disqualify swimmers.
Marshal support application.
Record swimmer's race times.
SwimClubMeet is an eco-system of applications.
SCM Hero Icon
SCM Marshall Icon
SCM Timekeeper Icon
SCM Nominate Icon
SCM leader board Icon
SCM Member Icon
Help for SCM  Icon
Help for SCM  Icon
Help for SCM  Icon
How about getting members to self nominate with this kiosk style app.
Marshal support application.
Members enter their membership number.
Marshal support application.
Then select the events they wish to swim.
Reports, more reports.

You'll be happy to know there's lot of reports for you to view and output.

Including a very comprehensive session report for the night's swimming events. SwimClubMeet can package this as a PDF. Ready for you to send to the club's committee members.