

The SCM project is free for all amateur swimming clubs. Your SQL database is open source and is not encrypted. You have full ownership of your data.

This is a worthy community project. It not only aids the clubs that use it, but also supports the sport of swimming.

Download buttons direct you to the correct GitHub repository. Locate the Releases section on the form and click the release version.
To get started ('all I have is a laptop and printer') download the following applications. After running BuildMeAClub.exe, it's no longer needed and can be remove. That's why it's been made a separate install. Needless to say, the core app is a SCM requirement.

SwimClubMeet Icon SwimClubMeet Icon SwimClubMeet

This installer contains the core application. It also includes 'Help for SCM'.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_BuildMeAClub

Creates the SwimClubMeet database on your MS SQLEXPRESS server.

If you have a router, MS Surface Pro tablet(s) and want to run paperless then download the following ...

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_TimeKeeper

Record your swimmers race-times. A Windows 64bit application designed for MS Surface Pro touch-pad.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_Marshal

Rally your swimmers. Disqualify or scratch entrants. A Windows 64bit application designed for MS Surface Pro touch-pad.

If you have a router, MS Edge Pro tablet(s) and want to let your members self nominate at the gate, then download this application ...

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_Nominate

Let your members self nominate at the front gate. It a kiosk style touch-pad application. They enter their membership number and send check the event they wish to swim.

The following application is best run on another laptop connected by a router. It can display member's placings and scores in various formats. It can also be used as a billboard to auto-display entrants place and race-times for the current raced event.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_LeaderBoard

Display members, house and event scores. Option to group by division. Beta version available for review.

Other Applications.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_Member

Delegate some administration tasks to others. This support application can manage your members details.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_Carnival

Want to stage a special event with other clubs in your local area. A head-to-heat battle of swimmers. This application works exactly like SCM but manages multi-club meets. In the think tank.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_Charts

Lot of club stats displayed in fine visual style. Perfect for annual committee meeting. Also displays swimmers performance data. Work has started.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_MoreReports

Additional reports for podium winners, membership cards, etc. All reports can be fully customized. With each new version, the selection of reports will grow.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_Coach

Organize your swimming squad. Wi-Fi, multi-user, touch-pad. Visual planner. Full connectivity with the SCM eco system. Record, chart and report swimmer's performances. Import and export data. Work has started.

SwimClubMeet Icon SCM_Accounts

Full account package. Uncertain - may require a community vote.

SCM_Update version-up the SwimClubMeet database held on the SQLEXPRESS server. It requires specific scripts that are delivered to you by the developer. Register with the project to receive emails.

SwimClubMeet IconSCM_UpdateDataBase

A utility to version-up your SwimClubMeet database on MS SQLEXPRESS.

SwimClubMeet IconSCM_REST

REST service. API for the SwimClubMeet database. For mobile or web connectivity. Allow parents and friends to view the night's rundown, events and swimmers race-times as it happens. Full code available.

64bit IIS API DLL - released ... and client example.