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Navigate across the database records.

Database Navigator.

The database navigator is used to move through the data in the SCM's DataSet and perform operations on the data, such as inserting a blank record or posting a record.

Navigator can show any or all of the following buttons:

First Sets the current record to the first record in the dataset, disables the First and Prior buttons, and enables the Next and Last buttons if they are disabled.
Prior Sets the current record to the previous record and enables the Last and Next buttons if they are disabled.
Next Sets the current record to the next record and enables the First and Prior buttons if they are disabled.
Last Sets the current record to the last record in the dataset, disables the Last and Next buttons, and enables the First and Prior buttons if they are disabled.
Insert Inserts a new record before the current record and sets the dataset into Insert and Edit states.
Delete Deletes the current record and makes the next record the current record.
Post Writes changes in the current record to the database.
Cancel Cancels edits to the current record, restores the record display to its condition prior to editing, and turns off Insert and Edit states if they are active.
Refresh Refreshes the buffered data in the associated dataset.