SwimClubMeet |
This section is closely tied to the heat grid. More detail on each button's action can be found by viewing the heat grid topic ... link.
Move heat up.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Move the heat up the stack (CTRL+Up). Click the button to change the selected heat's stack order. This buttons will be grayed (disabled) if the heat has been raced or closed or if the session has been closed. |
Move heat down.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Move the heat down the stack (CTRL+Down). Click the button to change the selected heat's stack order. This buttons will be grayed (disabled) if the heat has been raced or closed or if the session has been closed. |
Toggle the heat status.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Toggle the heat status (CTRL+T). Clicking the button will toggle the heat status between open, raced and closed. This button will be grayed (disabled) if the heat has been raced or closed or if the session has been closed. |
New Heat.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Create a new heat (CTRL+Ins). Click the button to create a new heat and all it's lanes. This button will be grayed (disabled) if the session has been closed. |
Delete Heat.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Delete the selected heat (CTRL+Del). When this button is pressed a dialogue appears asking you to confirm the heat's deletion. This button will be grayed (disabled) if the heat has been raced or closed or if the session has been closed. There is no undo! |
Auto-Build Heats.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Auto-build heats. Clicking the button will open the auto-build heats' dialogue. This button will be grayed (disabled) if the session has been closed. More information on Auto-Build Heats is found here ... link. |
View the marshal's sheet.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Display a marshal's sheet for all heats. Clicking this button displays version 1 of the marshal's sheet CNTRL-Click to display version 2. In either view, you have the option to print it. Examples of the marshal's report ... link. |
View the timekeeper's sheet.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Display a timekeeper's sheet for the selected heat. Clicking this button displays version 1 of the time keeper's sheet. CNTRL-Click to display version 2. In either view, you have the option to print it. Examples of the time keeper's report ... link. |
Print Set.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Print all sheets (marshal and timekeepers). Clicking this button will show a dialogue asking you to select a printer to send a marshal's sheet and all of the timekeeper's sheets. The layout used is version 1. Printing start's immediately you press ok on the print selection dialogue. You are not shown a preview of the sheets. This quickly gets an event printed and distributed. |
View the heat report.When you hover over this button a hint message will appear. Display a heat report. Clicking this button displays report version 1 of the selected heat. CNTRL-Click to display version 2. In either view, you have the option to print it. Examples of the heat report ... link. |
➡ To learn about the heat grid - follow this link.
➡ To learn about the lane grid - follow this link.
➡ To get a quick overview of the lane buttons follow this link.